St. James Episcopal Church

101 N. 5th Street, Marshall, Minnesota 56258



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Worship Services



2nd Sundays 10:30 am with Pastor Steve Quist

3rd Sundays 10:30 am

The Rev. Marie Smith

Morning Prayer:

1st, 4th, and if a 5th Sunday 10:30 am with Licensed Lay Worship Leaders

Vestry - Lay Leadership

Sue Fritz, Administrator, Altar Guild

Mike Martin, Evangelist & Licensed Lay Worship Leader

Bruce Louwagie, Sr. Warden & Licensed Lay Worship Leader

BC Franson, Jr. Warden & Licensed Lay Worship Leader

Gary Fritz, Treasurer, Vestry & Eucharistic Minister

Charlotte Wendel, Vestry & ECMN Delegate

Episcopal News Service:

Calendar - Click on link

If you have church activities to post on the calendar email info to


Vestry- 4th Sundays after church

Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

Dinner Bunch - Food and Fellowship monthly hosted and cohosted in people's homes

Men of St James (MOSJ)

Youth Group - Activities scheduled regularly. Charlotte Wendel and BC Franson Co-Leadership.

Contact Charlotte Wendel, or BC

Franson,, Youth Fellowship Leaders, for Youth Group Information

The Rt. Rev. Craig Loya was consecrated the X Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota on June 6, 2020.

Bishop Loya served as Dean of Trinity Cathedral in Omaha, Nebraska from 2013-2020, and was the Canon to the Ordinary in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas from 2009-2013. He received his Master of Divinity from Yale University and a Diploma in Anglican Studies from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale in 2002. Joining Bishop Loya in Minnesota are his wife, Melissa, and their two children.

In the first two and a half years of his episcopate, Bishop Loya oversaw a diocese in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, pastored Minnesotans in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and the attendant uprising, unrest, and trauma, joined people of all faiths from all over the country to bear witness to the damage to God’s creation caused by the installation of Line 3 at the headwaters of the Mississippi River, has spoken out against the unjust treatment of refugees and migrants held in the Bishop Whipple federal building, has affirmed that diversity of all kinds, including gender diversity, is a reflection of a humanity created in God’s image, and has inspired many with his deeply faithful call to join God’s project of healing the whole world with love.

Welcome to St. James Episcopal Church

St James Episcopal Church, Marshall in southwest Minnesota is a small rural Shared Ministry parish, where everyone in the parish family is given the opportunity to find and do the ministry to which God is calling them.

St James Episcopal Church continues to  function with lay ministry led worship and supply priests to carry out the mission of the church.

We respect the dignity of every human being and welcome ALL people to our fellowship.  We strive for justice and peace in the world and work to spread the message of Christ in what we do and who we are.  

Should you wish to give an offertory to St. James, GiveMn is available all year :

The Episcopal Church has a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to share and show God’s love for every human being and welcoming all regardless of heritage, gender, sexual identity or orientation.

Our church family in Marshall honors that legacy and welcomes all people looking for an open and inclusive community and faith family.

Episcopal News Service:

A call to ALL . . .

Building the Beloved Community - Interfaith Action

The Episcopal Church has a history of inclusion – as we have accepted different theologies, lifestyles, and viewpoints to strengthen our faith tradition.  As a member of the church, BC Franson volunteered to become part of Building the Beloved Community Public Safety Project.  This project is a joint effort by Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul and the Department of Public Safety to gain insight from various faith communities across Minnesota on issues facing our law enforcement officers and our community members.

Reading Luke 4:21-30 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 together we are reminded that to be Christ in the World we must go beyond our community . . .our hometowns. .  .our church to love others and do God’s work for ALL – as we come together to ponder questions and issues we begin to understand the impact of our personal decisions in difficult moments and can see God’s work in the world.

1. Take a systems approach to public safety.

Work across agencies to identify and address systemic issues impacting situations where peace officers may be the first to respond (e.g. mental health, homelessness, food insecurity, racism, addiction, domestic violence, gun violence, etc.).

2. police culture towards a “guardian” model of public safety.

Hire and train peace officers to:

1. preserve the sanctity of human life,

2. prevent unnecessary use of force,

3. engage in collaborative problem-solving, and

4. presume innocence.

3. Foster respect & empathy between peace officers and the community.

Build awareness of the impact of systemic injustices, the challenges of making split-second decisions, and other factors that play a role during crisis situations. Foster stronger relationships between all involved, particularly between BIPOC communities and peace officers.

4. Acknowledge complexity & work through tensions.

Rather than champion one single or simple solution, work through tensions that arise in prioritizing values (e.g. sanctity of life, bodily safety, justice and equality).

The Beautiful Gardens

the loving Ministry of Shannen Louwagie

Fall has returned. Enjoy the memory

of summers past with all the Summer blooms before frost returns

Our "sidewalk ramp" providing accessibility though the electric Red Door

The Ordination and Consecration  of

The Very  Reverend Kara Wagner Sherer

daughter of Gretchen and the late Curt Wagner of Marshall, former members of the St James parish family, was consecrated as the IX Bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Rochester Saturday, July 13, 2024

She's now Bishop Kara Wagner Sherer. Many blessings !!

Eucharist Service

The Reverend Marie Smith

Sunday October 20th at 10:30 am

The services are also streamed and can be joined by clicking

Click the link below to access the


Bishop Loya visited St James and Celebrated the Eucharst on Sunday August 14